Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Class Up

Just a quick update, I classed up in Echo Company on October 24th. My address here is:
BOC Wessels
FORT BENNING, GA 31905-6221

We're already in our third week here and the time is flying by. Lisa is moving down here next week and we'll be spending Thanksgiving together here in Georgia.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Ft Benning

Friday, September 16, 2011


Well, I didn't class up last Monday. The PT cutoff was 290 and I scored a 281 (out of 300). It was the highest cutoff in OCS history so I can't feel too bad for myself. I'm stuck here for three weeks until the next class starts at which point I should score a 300. We PT and practice tug-o-war here at HHC:

It could be a lot worse (ie stuck in holding at Ft Jackson), but it's still really boring. I'll post my address later although I will have access to email throughout the course.

Location:Ft Benning GA

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Family Day and Graduation, Fort Jackson South Carolina (9/7-9/8)

Hello Everyone,

Long time no post.  Had the pleasure of traveling to Fort Jackson, South Carolina for Sky's BCT Graduation and Family Day. To say the least, it was amazing.  Sky looked great and was super excited for his day of freedom between our travels from Fort Jackson SC to Fort Benning GA and fulfilling his OCS packing list.

As of right now, he is at HCC waiting to class up for OCS.  There are around 200 candidates trying for 54 spots in the Charlie Company, who's start date is tomorrow.  On Monday, the candidates will take a PT test and the top 54 scores will class up to the Charlie Company.  The other candidates remaining will have to stay at HCC and wait three weeks for the next PT test to try to get into Bravo Company.  It is unknown how many candidates will be trying to class up and how many they will be able to take, based on the candidate instructor ratio.  Sky's PT score is competitive for the Charlie Company so we will just have to wait for the non word on Monday.  If he doesn't call, he made it in!

Sky does have his phone and computer.  From what we hear, he will be able to hold on to these through OCS as long as they don't abuse the phone and internet privileges.  If you would like to send him emails and such, he should be able to communicate with everyone that way, rather than trying to read his handwriting.  I did get a huge bag of letters that everyone sent him throughout BCT, thank you so much.  Keeping in touch with everyone really means a lot to Sky.  When he does get his address I will be sure to pass that along to everyone as well.

Here are a few of the pictures from our days together.  Of course, I took a lot more and most are up on my Facebook and I will upload the rest onto Mobile Me tonight.  Thanks again for all of the love and support.  Hope to see you all soon.

All my best,


Marji before Family Day

My Army Girlfriends.  Love these ladies!  
Casey, Marji and Greg.  Traveled all day Tuesday to be here for Sky.

The big entrance of the soldiers.  Nothing like some smoke screen and Emperial March to get everyone excited! 

Here they come.

Delta Company
Sky is on the far right, two from the back.

First time seeing Sky.  

Sky and I

First hug from Mom

Sky's equipment next to his bunk. 

Matt Spencer and Sky

Sk, 12 pounds lighter from the last time I saw him. 

Nerd Alert! At one point there were 3 MacBooks, 2 iPads, 4 iPhone 4s and 3 eReaders.  Of course, Sky promptly created a network in the room and he was connected to the interwebs! 

First time after Graduation

America and Apple, awesome! 

Yeh, the PC.  Love this one.

Dustin, Lisa and Sky before we left for Benning.

Casey, Sky and Marji

Greg, Marji, Casey, Sky and Lisa

First time in civilian clothes.  Gotta love the Epic Meal Time shirt.  Of course, the first thing Sky ate was bacon covered chili fries! 

Still can not believe that happened.  Casey, you are a trooper! Can still hear that gaging sound.

Matty P  and Sky in Fort Benning! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Here is a link to the facebook page that has photos of Sky's fun in the sun. They are pretty good about posting new pictures of what they are doing every week. To look at pictures of Sky's group you need to go to the Delta Company "Dragons" link on the main page.

Still waiting for Sky to be able to use the phone, maybe next Sunday. Got a couple of letters but they were from his first day of BCT and reception, so not too much to report. I will keep everybody posted when I hear more.

Don't forget to write. I know he would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sky's Address

Here is Sky's address at BCT. I am sure he would love to hear from you.  Haven't talked to him in a few days but I think he went to basic on the 2nd and will actually start training tomorrow, the 5th. Have a good week and thanks for writing.

SPC Wessels Schuyler
4th PLT., (Hellfire)
D. Co, 1-61 INF Regt
11901 Golden Arrow Rd
Fort Jackson SC 29207

Savannah climbing Jo Mountain in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains (2876 ft)

Savannah in Lake Placid at Heart Shaped Lake

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Take over

Looks like Lisa has taken over the blog. Oh well, at least she'll keep it updated. I'm going to try and snap some pictures of my new digs when I arrive tonight and post them here.

Animal Photo Shoot

I know this is what you all have been waiting for.  The sun in finally out today, perfect photo day for the models!

Monkey Boy.  I do not think he is used to photo shoots.
He will warm up to the idea!

Puffy's usual opening pose.

Work it Puff!


I do not think he is amused. 

That's right puff, show him the way.

Thats it.  Looking good. 
Now Monkey gets it.

Why do my animals start every shoot with this pose?

I think she needs an agent, so beautiful!

Not just a pretty face, look at those skills!


Monkey wanted one more pic.

Well there you go.  I will update this with pics of Sky and his adventure.  He will be arriving in Fort Jackson tonight.  

Last Days with Sky in New York

It has been pretty hard these past few days.  Get up around 9am, relax, wait until an appropriate drinking time, noon and head to the local breweries and eateries. 

Longs Trail Brewery!

Robin Meade like the IPA

Million Dollar beach, Lake George NY

One of the last days with the beard

Again, mini gulf.  

Amazing beer and the best nachos in town.  We should know, we tried most of them around.

Sky and Monkey Boy!

Kitty love!